Mr Simon Bridle
Consultant Hip and Knee Surgeon
MB BS BSc (Hons) FRCS FRCS (Tr&Orth)
Orthopaedics, hip replacement, knee replacement and hip & knee revisions.
Network Lead for Complex Hip and Knee Replacement South West London and previous member of ODEP, Beyond Compliance and ARMA. Member of the Professional Affairs Committee, British Hip Society.
National and international speaker on hip and knee replacement, Co-Convener of St George's Revision Hip meeting, UK's major Hip Revision meeting, Publications in hip and knee surgery in peer-reviewed journals.
British Orthopaedic Association - member of Council 2013-2016, British Hip Society, British Association for Surgery of the Knee.
You can view Philip’s reviews at Top Doctors.

London hip surgeon Mr Simon Bridle specialises in hip and knee replacement surgery and is renowned as a leading London hip and knee surgeon; he performs primary hip and knee replacements, including MAKO robotic assisted cases, and continues to be involved in the management of complications following joint replacement.
After qualifying in London, he was appointed as Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon at St George’s in 1994 and continued this role until August 2016. As well as a busy clinical practice, helping run the Complex Arthroplasty Unit, he has been active in management, including roles as Lead for Orthopaedics and Clinical Director for Surgery and Clinical Director for Major Trauma. He now only works in the private sector, based at Fortius Clinic.
His data shows that in the last 10 years he has performed over 1000 primary hips, over 500 primary knees and over 500 hip and knee revision cases. Featured in the Daily Mail, Mr Bridle was voted by his peers as one of top 10 replacement surgeons in the UK.
He and the hipandkneespecialists team are committed to delivering surgical excellence and unparalleled aftercare; we only uses implants with the best results and highest safety record, with a low complication and revision rate.
Mr Bridle now has a long experience of robotic assisted hip and knee replacement; he has done more than 200 robotic assisted hip replacements and over 50 robotic assisted knee replacements. There is growing evidence that robotic assistance improves the accuracy of the surgery, leads to faster rehabilitation, in particular following knee replacement, and improves the functional result for the patient.
Not all hip and knee replacement surgeons carry out revision procedures, as surgery following implant failure and infection is a highly specialised area. Mr Bridle’s specialist training, experience, and surgical expertise, supported by the Multidisciplinary Team (MDT), ensures the best results when treating these complex revision cases. Following National Guidelines for revision hip and knee surgery, thehipandkneespecilaists only carry out this surgery following review by the MDT; we often operate on the more difficult cases with one of our colleagues.
View Mr Mitchell’s available clinics or alternatively please call 07765190703 to schedule an appointment.